SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. A The revenue generated from two widgets, two
    gadgets, and two tinkers is $2w,$2x,and $2(6),
    respectively. The cost of producing two widgets,
    two gadgets, and two tinkers is $8, $6, and $2y,
    respectively. Therefore, the total profit can be
    found by subtracting the cost from the revenue:
    (2w+ 2 x+12) −(8 + 6 + 2 y) = 2 w+ 2 x− 2 y−2.

  2. 86 The boys bought only sandwiches and spent
    ($4.50)(75) +($5.00)(80) +$3.75(22) =$820.00. If
    the girls bought only sandwiches with fries, then
    they spent ($5.50)(40) +($6.00)(35) +$4.75(64) =
    $734.00. $820.00 −$734.00 =$86.00

  3. D If x=sandwiches: x(4.5) +(40 −x)(5.5) = 206
    Distribute: 4.5x+ 220 −5.5x= 206
    Combine like terms: −1.0x=− 14
    Divide by −1: x= 14
    There were (40 −x) = 40 − 14 =26 meals with fries.

Concept Review 5

  1. A best fit line is a straight line that “hugs” the data
    most closely on a scatterplot.

  2. It can be created by connecting the “outermost”
    points on the plot or by drawing a line that best
    “hugs” the points and divides them in half. Try to
    ignore any outliers that don’t fit with the rest of
    the data.

  3. For the SAT, you just need to be able to tell if a
    slope is positive or negative, or perhaps greater or
    less than 1. Positive slopes go up to the right, and
    negative slopes go down to the right. If the slope
    is positive and the “rise” is greater than the “run,”
    the slope is greater than 1; if the rise is less than
    the run, the slope is less than 1.

  4. If you know what percent of the data are in a sec-
    tor of the pie chart, multiply the percentage by
    360 °to obtain the degree measure of that sector
    (e.g., a sector that represents 40% of the circle
    would be (.40)(360°) = 144 °).

  5. The biggest percent change occurs between
    Thursday and Fridays.
    Percent change =(100%)(10.5 −5)/(5) =110%.

  6. There were a total of 13 + 7 + 14 + 5 + 5 +10.5 +
    11.5 =66,000 accidents; 35,000 of them occurred
    on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. 35/66 =53%

  7. 25% of the kids said blue was their favorite color.
    25% of 4,000 =0.25 ×4,000 =1,000. 20% of the
    kids said yellow was their favorite color. 20% of
    4,000 =0.20 ×4,000 =800. 1,000 − 800 =200 kids.

  8. The color red represents 10% of the circle, which

is 10% of 360°. °

  1. There are currently (.25)(4,000) =1,000 votes for
    blue. In order for blue to be 50% of the circle, it
    would need (.50)(4,000) =2,000 votes. Therefore,
    1,000 votes must change.

  2. Hamden High ordered 36 + 28 + 81 =145 tickets.
    New Haven Public ordered 64 + 23 + 64 =151.
    Waterbury High ordered 53 + 31 + 51 =135.

  3. 81 Hamden High students bought 5-day passes at
    $200.00/pass, spending (81)(200) =$16,200. 64
    students at New Haven Public bought 5-day
    passes at $200/pass, spending (64)(200) =$12,800.
    The difference is $16,200 −$12,800 =$3,400.

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Answer Key 5: Data Analysis

SAT Practice 5

  1. B A line connecting (32, 6.5) and (39.5, 8.0) is a
    good line of fit, and has a slope of 1.5/7.5 =0.2,
    which is between 0 and 1.

  2. C If the slope is about 0.2, you can use the slope

equation to solve:

Plug in values:


Multiply by 4: (6.5 −y 1 ) =0.8
Subtract 6.5: −y 1 =−5.7
Divide by −1: y 1 =5.7

  1. C From March to April: 30 − 15 =15,000
    From April to May: 30 − 30 = 0
    From May to June: 60 − 30 =30,000
    From June to July: 65 − 60 =5,000
    From July to August: 69 − 65 =4,000











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