SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Practice 5: Write a Strong and Creative Thesis

Strong and Creative Thesis Practice

Look again at the questions from Practice 3. Now that you have brainstormed about these questions, and
understand the difference between a weak thesis and a strong thesis,write a strong thesis, in one sentence,
to answer the two questions.

  1. Should safety always be first?

  2. Is the pen always mightier than the sword?

Devil’s Advocate Practice

To play devil’s advocate and write a strong thesis, you must be able to look at opposing sides of an issue. After each
of the following questions, write two thesis statements, one for the “pro” position and one for the “con” position.

  1. Should criminal trials be televised?

Yes, because:

No, because:

  1. Is jealousy ever a good thing?

Yes, because:

No, because:

  1. Does wealth make people happier?

Yes, because:

No, because:

Discuss your answers with your teacher or tutor, focusing on whether your responses are creative and forceful.

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