SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Practice 7: Write Logically

Logical Transition Practice

Rewrite the second sentence of each of the following pairs so that it includes a logical transition from the pre-
vious one.

  1. We knew that the game would be hard fought. We never thought it would last 8 hours and 20 innings.

  2. There were thousands of visitors in town for the game. It was almost impossible to find a hotel room.

  3. The theory of evolution has had a profound effect on scientific thought. It has influenced many artists and

  4. We knew that punishing the culprits would do no good. We took no action against them.

  5. Perfect games are rare. In the last two years, only one was bowled in the entire state.

  6. There were several reasons for the delay. The bus driver had the wrong directions.

Check your answers with the answer key at the end of the chapter.

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