SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Practice 10: Write Forcefully

Cliché Sweeping Practice

Rewrite each sentence to eliminate any clichés.

1.Many people these days are fond of saying that the youth of this day and age are lazy as dogs.

2.They say that kids are nothing but couch potatoes who sit like bumps on a log playing video games or watch-
ing MTV.

3.For all intents and purposes, this assumption is dead wrong.

4.As a matter of fact, many of my friends are thinking more about careers that will change the world as we know
it rather than careers that will just chase the almighty dollar.

Verb Strengthening Practice

Rewrite the following sentences to strengthen the verbs. Uncover any good “lurking” verbs.

5.This action is in violation of the company’s own contract.

6.The village was affected to a devastating degree by the earthquake.

7.My failure on the test was reflective of the fact that I didn’t study.

8.The movie was considered by the critics to be dull and hackneyed.

9.The bold maneuver was made by the army under the cover of night.

10.Outside the office were a dozen chairs filling the hallway.

Check your answers with the answer key at the end of the chapter.

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