SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Practice 10

1.Many people today think that young people are
2.They say that they spend too much time playing
video games or watching MTV.
3.They are wrong.
4.In fact, many of my friends are choosing careers
that help others rather than make themselves rich.
5.This action violates the company’s own contract.
6.The earthquake devastated the village.
7.I failed the test because I hadn’t studied.
8.The critics complained that the movie was dull and
9.The army maneuvered boldly under the cover of

10.A dozen chairs filled the hallway outside the office.

Practice 11

  1. Many neoconservatives love to claim that lowering
    taxes actually raises government revenue. They are
    wrong. It’s not that simple.In fact, the govern-
    ment’s tax revenue depends on many things other
    than the tax rate.
    2. My mother sat me down and explained to me how
    important it is to spend money wisely.I got the
    message.I began keeping better track of my ac-
    counts and became a wiser consumer.
    3. Davidscrutinizedhis test results.
    4. The girls in the carbabbledfor hours.
    5. The coachharangued usabout our lack of effort in
    the first half.
    6. When a doctor prescribes something for you, follow
    the directions carefully.
    7. Ordinary people hate liars, but noblemen love them.

Practice 12

  1. Make a broader connection to the thesis; offer a
    solution; refine or clarify the thesis.

  2. It means that you are telling your reader that you
    are doing something rather than simply doing it.

  3. Classes should not start until 9:00 am, because stu-
    dents need more rest than they are getting.

  4. There are many factors to consider when choosing
    a college.

  5. More money should be spent on school music

  6. Goals are important in life.

Chapter 12 Answer Key

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