SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


grammar rules discussed in Chapter 15, so it’s best to
save it for the tougher questions. With this strategy,
you look at each underlined part, check whether it
contains a verb,pronoun, preposition, ormodifier,and
decide whether it is part of a listorcomparison.

If it contains a verb:

  • Does it agree with its subject in person and num-
    ber? If not, it contains subject-verb disagreement
    (Chapter 15, Lessons 1 and 2).

  • Does it convey the right timeorextent? If not, it
    contains a tense error(Chapter 15, Lesson 9).

  • Does it properly convey doubtorfactuality? If not, it
    contains an error in mood(Chapter 15, Lesson 14).

  • If it’s a past participle, is it in the correct form?
    If not, it is an irregular verb error(Chapter 15,
    Lesson 13).

If it contains a pronoun:

  • Is it clear what the pronoun refers to? If not, it has
    anunclear antecedent(Chapter 15, Lesson 5).

  • Does it agree in number and person with the noun
    it replaces? If not, it contains a pronoun-antecedent
    disagreement(Chapter 15, Lesson 5).

  • Is it in the proper case, that is, subjective (I, he,
    she, we, they), objective (me, him, her, us, them), or
    possessive (my, your, his, her, our, their)? If not, it
    contains a case error(Chapter 15, Lesson 6).

If it contains a preposition:

  • Does the preposition “go with” the word or phrase it
    is near? If not, it contains an idiom error(Chapter 15,
    Lesson 10).

If it contains an adjective or adverb:

  • Is it near the word it modifies? If not, it is a mis-
    placed or dangling modifier(Chapter 15, Lessons 6,
    7, and 8).

  • Is it in the correct form? If not, it is probably an
    adverb-adjective errororcomparative form error
    (Chapter 15, Lesson 12).

  • Does it add meaning to the sentence? If not, it is a
    redundancy(Chapter 15, Lesson 12).

If it is part of a comparison:

  • Are the things being compared of the same kind?
    If not, it is an illogical comparison (Chapter 15,
    Lesson 4).

  • Does it properly convey whether two or more than
    two items are being compared? If not, it is a com-
    parisonnumber error(Chapter 15, Lesson 4).

  • Does it use fewer/less,number/amount, or many/
    muchcorrectly? If not, it contains a countability
    error(Chapter 15, Lesson 4).

  • Are the things being compared in the same gram-
    matical form? If not, it contains a parallelism error
    (Chapter 15, Lesson 3).
    If it is part of a list:

  • Does it have the same form as the other item(s)
    in the list? If not, it contains a parallelism error
    (Chapter 15, Lesson 3).
    If a word seems misspelled or unusual:

  • Does the word have the right meaning for this
    context? If not, it is a diction error(Chapter 15,
    Lesson 11).

Check:Don’t Fear Perfection

Don’t be afraid to pick (E) “No error” if a sen-
tence seems okay, but don’t go overboard, either.
On recent SATs, there have been anywhere
from 2 to 7 “No errors” among the 18 “error ID”
questions. The ETS tries to distribute the five
answer choices (A-E) evenly in the answer key,
so choice (E) should be right about one-fifth of
the time, on an average.
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