SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 2: Trimming Sentences

  1. What are the three types of words or phrases that can be eliminated when “trimming” a sentence?


  1. Why is it sometimes helpful to “trim” a sentence?



  1. Circle all of the prepositions in the list below.

of beyond for and with the an without some along below

  1. What is a prepositional phrase?


  1. Write four examples of prepositional phrases.



Write the trimmed version of each sentence on the line below it, correcting any verb problems.

6.The team of advisors, arriving ahead of schedule, were met at the airport by the Assistant Prime Minister.


7.The flock of birds that darted over the lake were suddenly an opalescent silver.


8.Carmen, along with her three sisters, are unlikely to be swayed by arguments supporting David’s position.


Write the trimmed version of each sentence on the line below it, then rewrite the sentence to make it clearer and
more forceful, changing the subject and verb entirely, if necessary.

9.Nearly inevitably, advancements, or those being popularly regarded as such, have to do with modifications, not
Trimmed: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised: __________________________________________________________________________________________

10.The development of the new country’s governmental system was affected in a negative regard by the rebels’ lack
of cohesiveness.
Trimmed: ____
Revised: __

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