SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Worksheet 2: Trimming Sentences


Write the “trimmed” version of each sentence, circling the verbs and subjects and correcting any agreement errors.

1.Juggling the demands of both school and my social agenda often seem too much to bear.

2.Others on the committee, like the chairwoman Amanda Sanders, is concerned about the lack of attention given
to school safety.

3.The waiters’ professional demeanor—particularly their keen knowledge, their attention to detail, and their
cordiality—are what makes dining there such a sublime culinary experience.

4.The system by which candidates for local political offices are selected is archaic and, many contend, unfair.

5.The abundance of companies that fail in their first year of business contribute to an intimidating economic

6.When scientists theorize about the traits that all humans have come to share, they must be keenly aware of the
fact that these traits have evolved over millions of generations.

7.The entire industry of tobacco companies and distributors has steadfastly maintained their position that
tobacco is not addictive and that smoking is an inalienable right of consumers.

8.The challenge of Mount Everest, its conquerors claim, is far more the lack of oxygen at its rarefied heights than
even the precarious ice falls or precipitous ascents.

9.One in every three Americans agree strongly with the statement: “Anyone who would run for political office is
not worth voting for.”

  1. The fact that humans have committed so many atrocities have forced some historians to adopt a cynical
    perspective on human nature.

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