SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 2: Trimming Sentences

  1. Trimmed: Advancements have to do with
    The verb (have to do with)is weak, vague, and in-
    active, and the subject (advancements)and object
    (modification)are abstract and vague. To im-
    prove the sentence, think about the intended
    meaning of the sentence, and use stronger and
    less abstract terms. Here’s a good revision:
    Typically, societies progress by making small mod-
    ifications to their institutions, not by overhauling
    them completely.

  2. Trimmed: The development was affected.
    The verb (was affected)is weak, passive, and vague.
    Here’s a good revision:
    The incohesiveness of the rebels hindered the de-
    velopment of the new government.

Concept Review 2

  1. Prepositional phrases, interrupting phrases, and
    nonessential modifiers

  2. Trimming reveals subject-verb disagreement er-
    rors and reveals how clear and forceful the sen-
    tence is.

  3. Prepositions: of, beyond, for, with, without, along,

  4. A prepositional phrase is a preposition and the
    noun or noun phrase that follows it.

  5. Examples might include in the tree, without hesi-
    tation, beyond gimmicks, andover two million
    hungry customers.
    6.The team were(change to was)met.
    7.The flock were(change to was)silver.
    8.Carmen are(change to is)unlikely to be swayed.

Worksheet 2

1.Juggling the demands seem(change to seems)too
much to bear.
2.Others is(change to are)concerned.
3.The demeanor are(change to is)what makes din-
ing there a sublime experience.
4.The system is archaic and unfair.(correct)
5.The abundance contribute(change to contributes)
to an intimidating climate.
6.They must be keenly aware that these traits have
evolved over millions of generations.(correct)

7.The industry has maintained their(change to its)
position that tobacco is not addictive and that
smoking is an inalienable right.
8.The challenge is far more the lack of oxygen than the
precarious ice falls or precipitous ascents.(correct)
9.One agree(change to agrees)with the statement:
“Anyone who would run for political office is not
worth voting for.”
10.The fact have forced(change to has forced)some.
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