SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 3: Parallelism

  1. In what situations do you have to obey the law of parallelism?

In each of the sentences below, circle the words or phrases that are parallel, then write the formof those words
or phrases (adjectives, prepositional phrases, gerunds, infinitives, nouns, etc.) in the blank.

2.You can register for the test by mail, by phone, or on the Web. ____________________

3.Having good study practices is even more important than working hard. ____________________

4.The more you get to know her, the more you will like her. ____________________

5.The produce is not only exceptionally fresh but also reasonably priced. ____________________

6.The show is less a concert than it is a 3-hour nightmare. ____________________

Complete each of the sentences below with the appropriate word or phrase—infinitive or gerund—using the
given verb.

7.(exercise) ____________________is essential, but so is (eat) ____________________intelligently.

8.The purpose of this trip is (show) ____________________you what life was like in the 18th century.

9.I have always loved (dance) ____________________, although my condition has always prevented me from doing
it myself.

10.Is it better (study) ____a little each night, or a lot the night before?

11.The director called a meeting (discuss) ____the coordination of the marketing phase.

Correct any infinitive/gerund problems in the sentences below.

12.The defendant was unwilling to give up his right of having his lawyer present at all questioning.

13.I would not dream to try out for the team until I have learned to throw a football.

14.Even the reinforced concrete breakwater could not prevent the water to inundate the village.

15.Within the next three weeks, we plan having all of the work on the roof completed.

Fix the parallelism errors in the following sentences.

16.I like working with Miss Bennett because she is very supportive and has a lot of knowledge.


17.I can’t decide whether I should give Maria the tickets or Caitlyn.


18.The movie was both beautifully directed and the acting was a joy to watch.

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