SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Worksheet 3: Parallelism


In the following sentences, circle all parts that should be parallel, and correct any problems.

  1. Personal digital assistants can be not only practical, but also entertain for hours on end.

  2. Filling out applications for summer jobs is about as much fun as when you take the SAT.

  3. My lab partners were more concerned about getting the lab done quickly than about what grade they might get.

  4. To say she is excitable is like saying Bill Gates is well off.

  5. The sheer magnitude of the structure was awesome, but I thought the aesthetics were less than appealing.

  6. The elegance of a proof lies more in its conciseness and clarity than in how clever it is.

  7. I bought my tickets, reserved the hotel room, and I planned the itinerary myself.

  8. We had to build our own shelters, orient ourselves without instruments, and we even had to hunt and gather
    our own food.

  9. The rebels were neither disciplined nor did they have any overall strategy.

  10. She was concerned not only with getting good grades, but also wanted to understand the material.


  1. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome tend to exhibit lethargy, a reduced affect, and they often feel depressed.


  1. Taxpayers often prefer to pay high property taxes to the paying of high sales taxes.


  1. Riding that roller coaster was like a trip over a waterfall in a barrel.


  1. As a teacher, she loved to inspire creativity in her students, even more than she loved receiving accolades.

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