SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 4: Comparison Problems

6.Modern singersare compared to Gregorian chanters.
Logical and correct.
7.The enginesare compared to conventional cars.
Illogical: they should be compared to those in
conventional cars.
8.The surrealistsare compared to the dadaists.Logi-
cal, but grammatically incorrect: the surrealists
were regarded as being as inscrutable as the dadaists,
if not more so.
9.In modern warfareis compared to the past.Illogi-
cal:In modern warfare, unlike warfareinthe past...
10.Turningis compared to scrolling.Logical and

Concept Review 4

1.Feweris used to compare countablethings, while
lessis used to compare uncountablethings.

2.Moreis used only when comparing exactly two
things, while mostis used when comparing
more than two.

3.The showis compared to anything on the air.
Illogical:the showcan only be better than any-
thing elseon the air.

4.Team unity and commitmentare equated with the
key.Illogical: they are the keysto their success.
5.Mathematics lessonsare compared to American
classrooms.Illogical: they should be compared to
the lessons inAmerican classrooms.

Worksheet 4

1.I prefer a lot of modern poetry to the poetry of
2.Her suitcase would not close because she had
packed too manyof her towels into it.
3.The year-end bonus was equally divided among
Parker, Harriot, and me.
4.Many students wanted to be lifeguardsat the club.
5.The toughest thing about her class is havingto do
tons of homework every night.
6.Mr. Forstadt’s comments, like those ofso many
coaches, didn’t spare the players’ feelings in the least.
7.After several days in the woods, we became con-
cerned that we had packed a lot fewermeals than
we would need.
8.Even in the 21st century, women throughout the
globe are treated like slaves, or, worse yet, like non-
9.I’ve always preferred observational humor to quirky
prop comedy.

10.It was remarkable that the children had donated so
manytoys to others who were barely needier than
11.The formal structure of the sonnet imposes far
more discipline on the mind of the poet than does
the formlessness offree verse.
12.The theories of the original anarchists, unlike those
of modern antistatists, do not promote social
chaos, but rather organization without authority.
13.Those passengers with disabilitieswill be permitted
to board the plane firstorAny passengerwith a dis-
ability will be permitted to board the plane first.
14.The reason we lost the game is thatour captain had
torn his ACL.
15.Voter apathy and cold weather were the reasons
that turnout was so poor at this year’s election.
16.Having studied Faulkner and Hemingway, I’ve
come to believe that Hemingway is the betterwriter,
although Faulkner tells the betterstories.
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