SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Lesson 5: Pronoun-Antecedent Disagreement


unknown, as in Whereare my keys?But sometimes it
can be used as a definite pronoun. When it is, re-
member two points:

Usewhatonly to refer to a thing,whereto refer
to a place, whento refer to a time, why to refer
to a reason, who to refer to a person, and how
to refer to an explanation.

Wrong:An anachronism iswhensomething
doesn’t fit in with its time period.
An anachronism isn’t a time, is it? It’s a thing.
Right: An anachronism is somethingthat
doesn’t fit in with its time period.

When following a comma, an interrogative
pronoun usually takes the immediately preced-
ingnoun as its antecedent.

Wrong:The actors will design their own sets,
whoare participating in the workshop.
This is awkward because the setsare not what
the pronoun whois logically referring to.
Right: The actorswhoare participating in the
workshop will design their own sets.

Pronoun Consistency

Be consistent with any pronouns you use to
refer to the same thing more than once in a

Wrong:Even whenoneis dieting,youshould
always try to get enough vitamins.
It sounds like we can’t make up our minds
about whom we’re talking to!
Right: Even whenoneis dieting,oneshould
always try to get enough vitamins.


Apronounis a word (such as it, he, she, what,orthat)
that substitutes for a noun. A pronoun is either defi-
nite(likeit, you, she,andI) and refers to a specified
thing (or person or place or idea) or indefinite(like
anyone, neither,andthose), and does notrefer to a
specific thing (or person or place or idea).

Definite Pronouns and Antecedents

Every definite pronoun refers to (or takes the
place of) a noun in the sentence, called the pro-
nounantecedent. The pronoun must agree in
number (singular or plural) and kind (personal
or impersonal) with its antecedent.

Wrong:Everyone should brush their teeth
three times a day.
Becauseeveryoneis singular, theiris the wrong
Right: Everyone should brushhisorherteeth
three times a day.
Wrong:David was the onethatfirst spotted the
The pronoun thatis impersonal, but of course,
Davidis a person.
Right: David was the onewhofirst spotted the

The antecedent of a definite pronoun should
be clear, not ambiguous.

Wrong:Roger told Mike thathewas going to
start the next game.
Who was going to start? Roger or Mike?
Right: Mike learned that he was going to start
the next game when Roger told him so.

Interrogative Pronouns

Aninterrogative pronoun (likewhat, where, why,
andwhen) usually asks a question or refers to an

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