SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 5:

Pronoun-Antecedent Disagreement

  1. Name three definite pronouns: __

  2. Name three indefinite pronouns: __

  3. Every ____ pronoun requires a specific antecedent.

  4. What is an antecedent?

After each interrogative pronoun, write what kind of noun it must represent.

5.what ____________________

6.where ____________________ ____________________

8.when ____________________

9.why ____________________

10.who ____

Circle all pronouns in the following sentences, and make any corrections that may be necessary.

11.There are too many legal situations where misrepresentation seems to be standard practice.


12.If a student wants to memorize the meaning of a word, you should begin by understanding the concept it

13.Caroline passed the phone to Julia, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak.


14.Neither of the dogs wanted to give up their territory to the other.


15.David volunteered to be a ticket taker, not wanting to be the one that cleaned the aisles after the show.


16.They lost the game, which is why they didn’t celebrate afterwards.

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