SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 5:

Pronoun-Antecedent Disagreement

  1. pronouns: you, it. If a student wants to memorize
    the meaning of a word, he or sheshould begin by un-
    derstanding the concept it represents.(Agreement)

  2. pronouns: she, herself. Caroline passed the phone
    to Julia, but Juliacouldn’t bring herself to speak.
    (Ambiguous antecedent)

  3. pronouns: neither, their. Neither of the dogs wanted
    to give up itsterritory to the other.(Neitheris

  4. pronouns: one, that. David volunteered to be a
    ticket taker, not wanting to be the one whocleaned
    the aisles after the show.(David’s a who.)

  5. pronouns: they, which, why, they. (The sentence is
    correct because whichrefers to the clause they lost
    the game.)

Concept Review 5

1.I, you, she, he, it, they, we, us, them,etc.

2.anyone, everybody, each, either, one

  1. definite

  2. An antecedent is the noun that a definite pronoun
    refers to.

  3. a thing

  4. a place

  5. an explanation

  6. a time

  7. a reason

  8. a person

  9. pronouns: there, where. There are too many legal sit-
    uations in whichmisrepresentation seems to be
    standard practice.(Situationsaren’t places, they’re

Worksheet 5

1.Although the British parliament conducts debate
under very formal and decorous rules, itcan often
produce very animated arguments.
2.Brown has always been committed to assisting its
students by providing themwith any necessary
financial aid.
3.The media ignored the reports, probably because
theybelieved that those reportswere not what the
public was ready to hear.
4.The agency decided that itwould give control of the
project exclusively to Fiona and me.
5.Each of the girls wanted heridea for the logo design
to be considered.
6.No one who has been through the first week of boot
camp ever believes that he or shewill make it
through the entire six weeks.
7.Although you shouldn’t read carelessly, you don’t
need to read slowly, either.
8.Neither gentleman thought that histeam could win
the championship.

9.Students sometimes aren’t ready to handle the extra
work when theircourses become more demanding.

10.Many modern novels are concerned with situa-
tions inwhichlove goes unrequited.
11.Everybody is expected to do his or hershare.
12.The entire team turned out to be robots thathad
been programmed to play lacrosse.

13.The radio station’s board of directors drafted a pro-
posal modifying itsadvertising policies.

14.The museum received so many donations that it
actually had to return over a million dollars to the

15.They usually give the most points to the skater who
makes the fewest mistakes.

16.I like movies in whichthe guy gets the girl.
17.Each swimmer will have a lane to herself
(or himself).

18.Who was the one whomade the error in the third
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