SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 6: Pronoun Case

9.The other contestants did not seem as confident as
he(did).(subject of an implied verb)
10.Within a week, George and Iwill have completed
the project. (subject of a verb)
11.Wedetectives are always careful to follow every
lead.(subject of a verb)
12.Every student should make his or herown study
plan.(possessive modifier of noun; must agree
with singular antecedent)
13.They never seem to listen to the opinions of usstu-
dents as they should. (object of a preposition)

Concept Review 6

1.I, he, she, you, we, they, who

2.subjects of verbsorpredicate nominatives, him, her, you, us, them, whom
4.objects of verbsorobjects of prepositions, mine, her, hers, his, your, yours, their, theirs,
our, ours
6.myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves,
themselves that the object of the verb is the same as the
subjectoremphasize an adjacent noun or pronoun
8.The climb was much easier for them than it was for
Jeff and me.(object of a preposition)

Worksheet 6

1.The university presented the honor to David and
him.(object of a preposition)
2.After the game, we all agreed that no one had played
harder than he.(than he did:subject of an implied
3.Justine and Ihave always been closest friends.
4.There is no point in ourdelaying the tests any
longer.(Delayingis the object of the preposition,
so the pronoun should not be objective.)
5.I shall grant immortality to himwho can pull the
sword from the stone.(object of a preposition)
6.It seems quite clear that you and Iwill have to
work together to solve this problem.(subject)
7.It might be hard for him and meto agree.(object
of a preposition)
8.The other cheerleaders and sheneeded to practice
on the weekend.(subject)
9.The tabloid media were thrilled about hismaking
such a fool of himself in public.(Makingis the ob-
ject of the preposition.)

10.Weand the other members debated the issue for
over 2 hours.(subject)

11.The owners of the club offered my wife and mea
free bottle of wine with dinner.(object of a verb)

12.No other runner on the team could outrun me.
(object of a verb)

13.The teachers were getting tired of hisconstantly
falling asleep in class.(Fallingis the object, so the
pronoun should not be in the objective case.)
14.The ballpark always held a special attraction for
Dave and me.(object of a preposition)

15.Our friends gave a party for Ingrid and me.(object
of a preposition)

16.In anticipation of the trip, I bought myselfa nice
new suitcase.(The object and subject represent
the same person, so the object should be in the re-
flexive case.)
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