SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Concept Review 7:

Dangling and Misplaced Participles

  1. If a participial phrase followed by a comma begins a sentence, it must be followed by

Give the past and present participle forms of each of the following verbs.

2.push past participle ____________________ present participle ____________________ past participle ____________________ present participle ____________________

4.take past participle ____________________ present participle ____________________

Identify the underlined word as a gerundor a present participle.

5.I’ve loved singingever since I was a little girl. 5. ____________________

6.I doubt that they would be workingthis late at night. 6. ____________________

7.Callingme a bum was a very mean thing to do. 7. ____________________

Circle the participle in each sentence, then write whether it is an adjectiveor a verb participle.

8.We saw the meteorite as it was falling from the sky. 8. ____________________

9.We saw the falling meteorite. 9. ____________________

10.The urn was tarnished and chipped. 10. ____________________

11.The urn was chipped at the auction. 11. ____________________

12.The evidence was damaging to the defense. 12. ____________________

13.I could never have run so fast without those shoes. 13. ____________________

Circle the participle in each sentence, then rewrite the sentence so that the participle does not “dangle.”

  1. Looking at your essay, it seems to me that you need to be more specific.


  1. Turning the corner, the stadium came into our view.


  1. Although exhausted after the night’s work, Martha’s creative instincts compelled her to keep writing.


  1. Without waiting for an answer, David’s eagerness got the better of him, and he left in a flash.


  1. Thinking her friends were right behind her, it was frightening for Alison to discover that they were gone.

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