SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Worksheet 7:

Dangling and Misplaced Participles


Circle the participles in the following sentences, then rewrite the sentences, if necessary, to correct any “dan-
gling” participles.

  1. Although angered by the irrationality of his opponent, Senator Sanchez’s plan was to address each point calmly.

  2. Watching from the bridge, the fireworks bloomed spectacularly over the water.

  3. Without admitting her transgression, the club found it hard to forgive Megan.

  4. Although mildly discolored by the harsh sunlight, the sofa has retained much of its original beauty.

  5. Exhausted from the day’s climbing, the looming storm forced the hikers to pitch an early camp.

  6. Having studied for hours, it was very disappointing that I did so poorly on the exam.

  7. Without being aware of it, termites can infest your home if you don’t take the proper precautions.

  8. Before working at the bank, no one thought I could hold such a responsible position.

  9. Lacking any real sailing skills, David’s concern was mainly with keeping the ship afloat.

  10. Not wanting to be fooled again, she had her husband followed by a private investigator.

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