SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 7:

Dangling and Misplaced Participles

Each revised sentence below represents only one pos-
sible revision to correct the dangling participle. We
have chosen what seems to be the clearest and most
concise of the possibilities.

  1. participle: looking. It seems to me, as I look at your
    essay,that you need to be more specific.

  2. participle: turning. As we turnedthe corner, the
    stadium came into view.

  3. participle: exhausted. Although Martha wasex-
    hausted after the night’s work, hercreative in-
    stincts compelled her to keep writing.
    17.David’s eagerness got the better of him, and without
    waiting for an answer, he left in a flash.
    18.Thinking her friends were right behind her, Alison
    was frightenedto discover that they were gone.

Concept Review 7

  1. the noun phrase that it modifies

  2. past participle pushed,present participle pushing

  3. past participle run(notran), present participle

  4. past participle taken(nottook), present participle

  5. gerund (It’s the object of the verb loved.)

  6. present participle (The verb is would be working.)

  7. gerund (It’s the subject of the verb was.)

  8. participle: falling,verb participle

  9. participle: falling,adjective

  10. participles: tarnishedandchipped,adjectives

  11. participle: chipped,verb participle

  12. participle: damaging,adjective

  13. participle: run,verb participle

Worksheet 7

Each revised sentence below represents only one pos-
sible revision to correct the dangling participle. We
have chosen what seems to be the clearest and most
concise of the possibilities.

  1. participle: angered. Although angered by the irra-
    tionality of his opponent, Senator Sanchez planned
    to address each point calmly.

  2. participle: watching. As we watchedfrom the
    bridge, the fireworks bloomed spectacularly over
    the water.

  3. participle: admitting. Because Megan would not
    admither transgression, the club found it hard to
    forgive her.

  4. participle: discolored. Although mildly discolored
    by the harsh sunlight, the sofa has retained much
    of its original beauty.(Correct)

  5. participle: exhausted. The looming storm forced
    the hikers, exhausted from the day’s climbing, to
    pitch an early camp.
    6. participle: having. Having studied for hours, I was
    verydisappointed to doso poorly on the exam.
    7. participle: being. Without yourbeing aware of it,
    termites can infest your home if you don’t take the
    proper precautions.
    8. participle: working. Before I startedworking at the
    bank, no one thought I could hold such a respon-
    sible position.
    9. participle: lacking. Lacking any real sailing skills,
    David was mainly concernedwith keeping the ship

  6. participle: wanting. Not wanting to be fooled again,
    she had her husband followed by a private investi-

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