SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Worksheet 9: Tricky Tenses


Correct any tense errors in the following sentences.

  1. By the time the committee had adjourned, it voted on all four key proposals.

  2. In the evening, we had a nice meal with the same group of people we skied with that afternoon.

  3. By the time I am done with finals, I will write four major papers.

  4. Being nominated for office, Ellen felt that she had to run an honest campaign.

  5. It surprised us to learn that Venus was almost the same size as Earth.

  6. ReadingThe Sun Also Rises, I feel as if I’ve learned a great deal about bullfighting.

  7. Most Oscar nominees claimed that they were happy simply to be nominated.

  8. When the epidemic struck Rwanda, the entire population had suffered.

  9. I have never felt so free as when I am running.

  10. Centuries ago, physicians had believed that illnesses were caused by imbalances in bodily fluids.


  1. David has been the president of the club ever since it was founded.


  1. Over the last several years, real estate values increased by over 20%.


  1. Students often worry excessively about grades and will forget about actually understanding the concepts.


  1. We need not bother to patch the hull now that the entire boat had been inundated.


  1. By the time we arrived at the tent where the reception would be held, the caterers set up all the chairs.


  1. We will have been in this house for three years in February.

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