SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 10: Idiom Errors

Choose the correct preposition or phrase (if any) to complete each of the following sentences. If no word or
phrase is required, circle the dash (—).

1.I prefer spaghetti (to/over/more than/—) linguine.

2.The students were protesting (against/over/—) the decision to cut financial aid.

3.We are all concerned (about/with/—) your decision to drop out of school.

4.It took nearly an hour to open (up/—) the trunk.

5.Eleanor has always been concerned (with/about/—) feminist issues.

6.We all agreed (on/with/about/—) the decision to go skiing rather than hiking.

7.She would not agree (to/on/with/about) the plea bargain.

8.We found dozens of old photographs hidden (in/—) between the pages.

9.Good study habits are necessary (to/for/in) academic success.

10.The new house color is not very different (from/than/to/—) the old one.

11.His girlfriend was angry (with/at/—) him for not calling sooner.

12.It will be many years before we fill (up/—) all the pages in this photo album.

13.They were both angry (about/at/with) the boys’ behavior.

14.You should plan (to come/on coming) before 6:00 pm.

15.Matt was kicked off (of/—) the team for drinking at a party.

16.We will make sure that your contract complies (with/to/—) the laws of your state.

17.After the operation, Denise was no longer capable (of playing/to play) the violin.

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