SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 12: Other Modifier Problems

Give the comparative form of each adjective or adverb.

1.gentle __________

2.precious __________

3.gently __________

4.lovely __________

5.quiet __________

6.sporty __________

  1. Circle the absolute modifiers in the list below.
    wild impossible sufficient final fatal
    complete inevitable responsive tolerable willing
    entire effective ideal universal unique

  2. What is the correct comparative form of an absolute modifier?

In each of the following sentences, circle the modifying words or phrases and label them adjectives(ADJ),adverbs
(ADV), or sentence modifiers(SMOD).

9.The music was overwhelmingly beautiful.

10.The other store is far less convenient than the one on the corner.

11.David unknowingly picked up the wrong bag.

12.Unfortunately, we could hardly see the band from our awful seats.

13.The best thing to do is to wait patiently.

14.Personally, I vastly prefer bison meat to beef.

15.Most likely, the lacrosse team left on the first bus.

16.I almost never watch television anymore.

  1. Cross out any redundant words or phrases in the paragraph below. (Hint: there are at least ten redundancies.)

When we refer back to past history, we can see that whenever a new innovation is introduced for the first time,
people rarely accept the whole entire concept, at least not right away. If and when something threatens the ways of
the past, people don’t part easily with their old ways. Although not everyone necessarily needs to maintain the status
quo, consistency and predictability make people feel comfortable. Even when technology comes up with a way to do
things better, people often continue on with their older, less efficient ways. For instance, it’s not uncommon for peo-
ple to use e-mail while at the same time continuing to correspond via “snail mail.” If they would quickly pause for a
moment, they would see that they can communicate more effectively through the Internet—and save some trees!

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