SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Worksheet 12: Other Modifier Problems


Correct any modifier problems in the sentences below.

  1. The latest political commercials make their points stronger than previous ones.

  2. My shirt smelled quite foully after rugby practice.

  3. Recent technological advances have made it easier to extract minuscule chemical traces from geological samples.

  4. We never usually get to go to such elegant restaurants.

  5. Although both of my parents have pretty level heads, my father is the most patient.

  6. The third graders weren’t hardly interested in going to the museum after school.

  7. I could always sing in front of a crowd easier than I could give a speech.

  8. In many areas of the country, wind energy can be converted to electricity even more efficient than fossil energy.

  9. I felt surprisingly well after Saturday’s ten-mile run.

  10. The microscopic size of the fracture made it more impossible to detect, even with special instruments.

  11. The committee had never been so unanimous as they were on the most recent vote.

  12. These measures won’t barely address the state’s deficit.

  13. The teacher never told us about the test until the day before.

  14. We weren’t real sure that the plan would work.

  15. Students never usually bother to examine the veracity of the “facts” they are supposed to memorize in history

  16. Gena’s guess was the most correct of anyone’s in the class.

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