SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Lesson 13: Irregular Verbs


Know Your Irregulars

When using the perfect tenses or using participial phrases, you must use the past participleof the verb
rather than the past tenseform of the verb. Don’t mix them up!

For many verbs, the two forms are the same, as in wewalked(past) and we hadwalked(past perfect),
but for many “irregular” verbs, they are different, as in weate(past) and we hadeaten(past perfect). You
should know the irregular forms of common verbs.

Infinitive Past tense Past participle
to arise arose arisen
to awake awoke awoken
to beat beat beaten
to begin began begun
to blow blew blown
to break broke broken
to burst burst burst
to cast cast cast
to come came come
to creep crept crept
to do did done
to draw drew drawn
to drink drank drunk
to drive drove driven
to forsake forsook forsaken
to get got got, gotten
to go went gone
to hurt hurt hurt
to kneel kneeled, knelt knelt
to know knew known
to lay (to put or place) laid laid
to lie (to recline) lay lain
to ride rode ridden
to run ran run
to shrink shrank shrunk, shrunken
to sink sank sunk
to speak spoke spoken
to spring sprang sprung
to take took taken
to tear tore torn
to write wrote written
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