SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 14: The Subjunctive Mood

8.If he hadcaught the ball, the inning would be over
9.If I werea rock star, I’d tour all over Europe.
10.He plays as though he werenot even injured.
11.I wish I weresix inches taller.
12.I think she might bein over her head.
13.If she hadcampaigned harder, she might have won
the election.(Don’t say If she would have... .)
14.I cannot tell whether he isfriend or foe.(The form
beis formally correct also, but such usage is now
considered archaic.)

Concept Review 14

1.might, may, would, could, should

  1. that the verb indicates something hypothetical,
    conditional, suggestive, wishful, or counter to
    3.If I werea little faster, I’d be able to anchor the relay
    4.In fact, I wasonly 5 years old at the time.
    5.He would feel better if only he would eat.
    6.He asks that we bethere at 6 o’clock sharp.
    7.I wish that he werenot so presumptuous about my

Worksheet 14

1.We doubted that she wouldget enough votes to
force a runoff, let alone win outright.
2.If I weregoing to take the SAT tomorrow, I’d be
sure to get plenty of sleep tonight.
3.If I hadknown that it would take this long, I’d have
gone out for a snack.
4.I would have liked to bethere just to see the pan-
icked look on his face.
5.The camp counselors asked that we bein our beds
with lights out promptly at 10 o’clock.
6.David ran as if he werecarrying a refrigerator on
his back.
7.I wish that we hadpaid the extra $50 a night to get
a better room.

8.Miss Hannigan demanded that we be silent unless
spoken to and(omitshould)always do what we’re
9.He spoke as if he werean expert in the field of
international relations.
10.I would have remembered to leavea generous tip,
but I left my wallet at home.
11.Had I known beforehand, I would not have men-
tioned her ex-boyfriend.(Correct)
12.If the rest of the class hadvoted the way I did, we
wouldn’t be taking the test today.
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