SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 15: Coordinating Ideas

  1. When should a semicolon be used to join clauses?

  2. When should a colon be used to join clauses?

  3. What is a run-on sentence?

  4. Name the seven conjunctions that can join independent clauses.

Write a sentence that logically and concisely incorporates the given clauses, with the first clause as the main clause.

  1. Confederates in the Attic has received widespread critical acclaim. It was written by Tony Horwitz. It portrays
    the legacy of the Civil War in the modern South. It is poignant and funny.

  2. Many of the rights given by the Constitution were bitterly contested by the Founding Fathers. Many people be-
    lieve that the Founding Fathers agreed unanimously to safeguard those rights for us. The Constitution is much
    more a political compromise than a steadfast commitment to a set of ideals.

  3. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis has been largely disproven. It claims that our thoughts are guided and limited by
    constraints on our language. Scientists now understand that having thoughts and expressing them are very dif-
    ferent things.

  4. Corporations can effectively control the opinions of the people through the media. They can do this to a large de-
    gree because the people don’t believe they are being manipulated. This happens in free and democratic societies.
    Unlike totalitarian societies, free and democratic societies do not use force to ensure popular compliance.

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