SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


3 3 333 3

  1. Although direct, forceful stances usually appeal
    to voters on the campaign trail, candidates
    usually resort to ------- during debates to avoid
    alienating any potential supporters.
    (A) pontification
    (B) circumlocution
    (C) logic
    (D) exaggeration
    (E) brevity

  2. Counselors in the prison rehabilitation pro-
    gram must have faith in the ------- of those who
    have committed felonies, yet be wary of -------;
    they must believe that criminals can change,
    but know that they can often return to their
    old habits.
    (A) mutability.. astuteness
    (B) variability.. consistency
    (C) coarseness.. responsibility
    (D) persuasion.. transcendence
    (E) malleability.. relapse

  3. Marullus’ reference to “chimney-tops” during
    his monologue in Julius Caesaris considered
    by some historians -------, since such things are
    unlikely to have existed in Rome in the first
    century BC.
    (A) a miscalculation
    (B) an anachronism
    (C) an idiom
    (D) an interlocutor
    (E) a mirage

  4. The letter “h” at the end of Pittsburgh is ------- of
    American sentiments soon after World War I;
    it was added as part of a movement during
    that time to make the names of American
    cities sound less German.
    (A) an inference
    (B) an analogy
    (C) a vestige
    (D) an anomaly
    (E) a quandary

Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following passage.

Although countries can construct redoubtable
stone barriers to separate “us” from “others,”
no barrier is stronger than language. We infer
volumes from the language of another,
whether he is erudite or philistine, whether
she is noble or mean. Our labels, too, can be
impenetrable walls: we are “freedom fighters,”
they are “terrorists”; we are the “faithful,” they
are the “infidels.” Those people who use such
wall-language are the Manichaeans,^1 those
who refuse to see, or cannot see, shades of
gray, the subtle truths of humanity. Their
“truths” are the most dangerous weapons,
wielded by the blind and the ignorant.

  1. In this paragraph, language is characterized
    primarily as
    (A) biased
    (B) enlightening
    (C) difficult to understand
    (D) unifying
    (E) changeable

  2. In line 4, the word “volumes” most nearly
    (A) spaces
    (B) editions
    (C) measurements
    (D) an abundance
    (E) capacities


The passages below are followed by questions
based on their content. Answer the questions
on the basis of what is statedor impliedin the
passage and in any introductory material that
may be provided.




(^1) Those who believe in absolute good and evil

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