SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


4 4 444 4


  1. The plot of the movie was neither plausible
    and it was not even faithful to the novel.
    (A) and it was not even faithful to the novel
    (B) nor was it faithful to the novel
    (C) nor faithful to the novel
    (D) and certainly not faithful to the novel
    (E) yet hardly faithful to the novel

  2. We were astonished that the package had took
    so long to getto its destination.
    (A) had took so long to get
    (B) had took so long getting
    (C) had taken so long in its getting
    (D) had taken so long to get
    (E) had been so long getting

  3. The committee agreed that the new principal
    should be able to inspire teachers, uphold tra-
    dition, and, above all, he or she must maintain
    a scholarly atmosphere.
    (A) he or she must maintain a scholarly
    (B) they should maintain a scholarly
    (C) maintain a scholarly atmosphere
    (D) keep things scholarly
    (E) he or she should keep things scholarly

  4. Although critics say that many have portrayed
    Othello with more passion than he, they can’t
    help but admire his acting.
    (A) he, they can’t help but admire his acting
    (B) him, they can’t help but admire his acting
    (C) he, they can’t help but admire him acting
    (D) him, they can’t help but admire him
    (E) him, they must only admire his acting
    8. Neither of the battling rams appeared to feel
    the pain of their wounds.
    (A) of the battling rams appeared to feel the
    pain of their wounds
    (B) of the battling rams appeared to feel the
    pain of its wounds
    (C) ram, that was battling, appeared to feel
    the pain of their wounds
    (D) ram who were battling appeared to feel
    the pain of its wounds
    (E) battling ram appeared as if to feel the
    pain of their wounds
    9. Walking into her house after a hard day’s
    work, Liz’s family surprised her with a warm,
    delicious meal and a clean house.
    (A) Liz’s family surprised her with a warm,
    delicious meal and a clean house
    (B) Liz was surprised to find a warm, deli-
    cious meal and a clean house, courtesy
    of her family
    (C) Liz’s family made her a warm, delicious
    meal and cleaned the house, surprising
    (D) Liz found a warm, delicious meal and a
    clean house surprising her from her
    (E) a warm, delicious meal and a clean
    house surprised Liz, courtesy of her

  5. An increasing number of students are coming
    to realize that an education at a public univer-
    sity can be as good, if not better, than an elite
    private college.
    (A) as good, if not better, than an elite pri-
    vate college
    (B) as good, if not better, as one at an elite
    private college
    (C) as good as, if not better, than an elite
    private college education
    (D) as good an education as, if not better,
    than one at an elite private college
    (E) as good as, if not better than, one at an
    elite private college

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