SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. In the first paragraph, the narrator indicates
    that the instruction given to him by M. Wald-
    man was
    (A) haughty
    (B) challenging
    (C) easily understood
    (D) obscure
    (E) expensive

  2. In line 15, the word “apprehension” most
    nearly means
    (A) fear
    (B) reservation
    (C) imprisonment
    (D) understanding
    (E) arrest

  3. The narrator indicates that proficiency in an
    academic study requires which of the follow-
    I. genius
    II. diligence
    III. financial resources
    (A) I only
    (B) II only
    (C) I and II only
    (D) II and III only
    (E) I, II, and III

  4. The narrator indicates that he considered leav-
    ing Ingolstadt because he
    (A) had learned all he could from its instruc-
    (B) was acutely homesick
    (C) was offered another job
    (D) had a negative experience with a profes-
    sor there
    (E) had become ill

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  1. In saying that he was “animated by an almost
    supernatural enthusiasm” (lines 51–52), the
    narrator suggests that he
    (A) was easily influenced by superstition
    (B) loved lecturing at Ingolstadt
    (C) was passionate about studying the physi-
    ology of life and death
    (D) was excited about the prospect of return-
    ing home
    (E) wanted to learn more about the origin of
    certain superstitions

  2. The “seat of beauty and strength” (lines 67–68) is
    a reference to
    (A) the churchyard
    (B) the human body
    (C) the worm
    (D) the university at Ingolstadt
    (E) the narrator’s studies

  3. In line 71, the phrase “succeed to” most nearly
    (A) inspire
    (B) thrive
    (C) replace
    (D) proceed to
    (E) promote

  4. The final sentence of the passage suggests that
    the narrator feels
    (A) intimidated by the enormous task
    before him
    (B) grateful to those who instructed him
    (C) anxious about the moral dilemma posed
    by his work
    (D) baffled by particular scientific
    (E) privileged to be on the verge of a mo-
    mentous discovery


If you finish before time is called, you may
check your work on this section only. Do not
turn to any other section of the test.
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