SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. In the first paragraph of Passage 1, Noah
    Webster is mentioned as an example of
    (A) a genius who was a poor speller
    (B) one of the first spelling reformers
    (C) a man devoted to proper spelling
    (D) a famous playwright
    (E) one who shares the author’s opinion

  2. Serena regards phonetic spelling as a “per-
    sonal stab” (line 24) at the author of Passage 1
    because its proponents
    (A) have a history of vindictiveness
    (B) do not like hard work
    (C) are well educated
    (D) are wealthy
    (E) want to eliminate the author’s excuse for
    poor spelling

  3. The success of “Serena’s plan” (line 74) de-
    pends on the ability of people to
    (A) change their habits of pronunciation
    (B) spell correctly
    (C) perfect their handwriting skills
    (D) learn an entirely new alphabet
    (E) change their writing habits

  4. By saying that Serena’s plan is “more American”
    (line 75), the author of Passage 1 implies that
    (A) are good spellers
    (B) regard writers with disdain
    (C) are inclined to protest
    (D) do not read enough
    (E) can’t take a joke

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  1. In Passage 1, the author’s theory of spelling
    reform differs from that of Serena in that the
    (A) wants to alter the pronunciation of
    words that Serena wants to ignore
    (B) regards Shakespeare as a genius but
    Serena does not
    (C) wants to change the alphabet but
    Serena does not
    (D) seeks to simplify spelling, while
    Serena does not
    (E) understands how to alter American
    habits but Serena does not

  2. The author of Passage 1 claims to have fallen
    in love with Serena because
    (A) his spelling skills were weak
    (B) they agreed on a plan for phonetic
    (C) she helped him to understand
    (D) they shared a distaste for automobiles
    (E) they were both writers

  3. The “chaos” mentioned in line 110 refers to
    (A) the difficulty of spelling words with
    silent letters
    (B) the challenge of getting scholars to agree
    (C) the many ways of pronouncing ough
    (D) the possibility of many sets of spelling
    rules for different dialects
    (E) the disagreement among linguists
    regarding spelling reform

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