SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. Many critics believe that video games are harm-
    ful to children that contain violent imagery.
    (A) are harmful to children that contain vio-
    lent imagery
    (B) containing violent imagery are harmful
    to children
    (C) that contain violent imagery that harms
    (D) containing violent imagery that are
    harmful to children
    (E) harmful to children containing violent

  2. Walking hand-in-hand along the boardwalk,
    a vendor stopped the couple to try to sell them
    (A) a vendor stopped the couple to try to sell
    them lemonade
    (B) the couple was stopped by a vendor who
    tried to sell them lemonade
    (C) trying to sell them lemonade, a vendor
    stopped the couple
    (D) a vendor stopped the couple to try and
    sell them lemonade
    (E) the couple having been stopped by the
    vendor who tried to sell them lemonade

  3. Professor Peterson had just stepped into the
    classroom and that was when he discovered
    that several lab manuals were missing.
    (A) and that was when he found out
    (B) and then he discovered
    (C) when he discovered
    (D) after which he discovered
    (E) discovering soon thereafter

9 9 999 9

  1. Parents today spend more time working than
    30 years ago.
    (A) than
    (B) than have
    (C) than of the parents of
    (D) than did parents
    (E) than of the parents

  2. The anthropologists would have considered
    their research a success if they would have
    found a language that shares lexical elements
    with the Borneans they were studying.
    (A) if they would have found a language that
    shares lexical elements with the
    Borneans they were studying
    (B) had they found a language that shares
    lexical elements with that of the
    Borneans they were studying
    (C) if they found a language that shares lexi-
    cal elements with the Borneans they
    were studying
    (D) if they had found a language that shares
    lexical elements with the Borneans they
    were studying
    (E) if they would have found a language that
    shares lexical elements with that of the
    Borneans they were studying


If you finish before time is called, you may
check your work on this section only. Do not
turn to any other section of the test.
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