SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


When people don’t care about something, it’s hard to
get anything done. If a team has players that don’t re-
ally want to play, for instance, it’s almost impossible
to get them to win a game, even if you’re a master mo-
tivator. That’s why it’s so important to care about
things and not have apathy.
If you don’t care about something, also, it’s just re-
ally difficult to be happy. You don’t have anything to
look forward to in life. Some people don’t really care
about school, and they just listen to their iPods and
can’t wait to hang out with their friends or play their
XBoxes when they get home. College doesn’t mean
anything to them, and you can tell that they are mis-
erable people. It’s one thing to question your teachers
and wonder whether the things you learn in school are
relevant for your life, but it’s entirely different to not
even care about what you do in school even a little bit.

The following essay received 2 points out of a possible 6, meaning that it demonstrates some
incompetencein that it

  • has a seriously limited point of view

  • demonstrates weak critical thinking

  • uses inappropriate or insufficient examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its thesis

  • is poorly focused and organized and has serious problems with coherence

  • demonstrates frequent problems with language and sentence structure

  • contains errors in grammar and usage that seriously obscure the author’s meaning

Research has shown that you can’t really get any-
where without an education, so if you don’t care about
school you might as well not care about having any
kind of successful life. If they would just find some-
thing important that they could care about, like a
sport or a musical instrument or a job or something
like that, then they might have something they could
focus there life for, and have some positive purpose in
life. Criminals probably come about because early on
they didn’t really learn to care about anything impor-
tant, and that is the real tragedy. and foreigners were
slaughtered. Now, millions of people sit on their hands
as religious fanatics look at the slaughter of innocent
people as their ticket to paradise. It is unreasonable to
believe that those with warped hatred of western cul-
tures will stop their hatred and their evil deeds merely
because they are appeased by weak governments.
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