SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


7 7 777 7

Note:Figure not drawn to scale.

  1. In the figure above, the slope of ACis the
    opposite of the slope of CB.What is the value
    of k?
    (A) 9
    (B) 10
    (C) 12
    (D) 14
    (E) 15

  2. If mis the product of all of the integers from 1
    to 10, inclusive, and 2nis a factor of m,then
    what is the greatest possible value of n?
    (A) 2
    (B) 4
    (C) 8
    (D) 16
    (E) 32
    15. An equilateral triangle with area square
    centimeters is divided into two triangles by the
    bisector of one of its angles. What is the sum of
    the perimeters of these two triangles?






  1. A culture of bacteria doubles in population
    every 2 hours. A sample of 100 bacteria grows
    to 1,000 bacteria by 4:00 p.m. At what time
    were there 250 bacteria in this sample?
    (A) 11:30 am
    (B) 12 noon
    (C) 12:30 pm
    (D) 1:00 pm
    (E) 2:00 pm

36 12 3+

36 6 3+

18 9 3+

18 6 3+

36 3




C(8, 5)

A(1, -1) B(k, -1)


If you finish before time is called, you may
check your work on this section only. Do not
turn to any other section of the test.
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