SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


14.C To create a three-digit number, three deci-
sions must be made: you must choose the first digit,
then choose where to put the two, then choose the
final digit. Since the first digit must be odd, there
are three options for the first digit. Since the two
may be placed in either the second or the third
slot, there are two options. Then there are three dig-
its left to choose for the final slot. This means there
are 3 × 2 × 3 =18 possibilities.
(Chapter 9, Lesson 5: Counting Problems)

15.C Since one pound feeds five chickens, four
pounds are needed to feed 20 chickens. This leaves
10 − 4 =6 pounds of feed. Since each pound can feed
two pigs, six pounds can feed 2 × 6 =12 pigs.
(Chapter 6, Lesson 2: Analyzing Problems)
(Chapter 7, Lesson 4: Ratios and Proportions)

16.A Since 120°is 1/3 of
360 °, the shaded region has
1/3 the area of the circle.
Therefore, the circle has an
area of 3(3π) = 9 π. Since
A =πr^2 , the radius is 3 cen-
timeters. The circumference
of the circle, then, is 2πr=
2 π(3) = 6 π, and the arc of the
shaded region has length (1/3)(6π) = 2 π. The perime-
ter of the shaded region, then, is
3 + 3 + 2 π= 2 π+6.
(Chapter 10, Lesson 5: Areas and Perimeters)

Section 8

1.D The word ratherindicates the important con-
trast between the two ideas. The second word indi-
cates something specific to a single directorrather
than many visions. conglomeration=collection; in-
subordination= disobedience; prudence = careful
management; bastion=a well-fortified area; synthesis
=a fusion of different elements; conspiracy=secret
agreement to commit a crime

2.B The fact that modern readers read a book once
and then discard itsuggests that their interest in it is
only temporary, rather than timeless. immoral =
unethical; fleeting=short-lived

3.A Althoughindicates a contrast in ideas, so the
missing word must mean prolongedrather than short-
term. protracted=prolonged; contemporaneous=liv-
ing or existing at the same time; transient=short-lived;
surreptitious=secretive; fickle=tending to change
one’s mind often

4.C Since the sentence says that athletes are
treated like successful warriors, you should look for a
word like celebrated. invoked=called on or cited; re-
pudiated=having its validity rejected; lionized=
treated like a celebrity; vilified=defamed; beguiled=
deceived by charm

5.E The word although indicates a contrast.
Although the persecution vanquished(conquered) the
will of some, it must have strengthenedthe will of
others. despotic=tyrannical; squandered=wasted;
amenable=obedient; celebrated=eminent; ruthless=
merciless; forged=established

6.B If she was an opponent of the male hegemony
(dominance of one group over another), she must
have been an outspokencritic of the male-dominated
society. matriarchal=female-dominated; pugnacious=
belligerent; patriarchal=male-dominated; vociferous=
outspoken; avuncular=like a good-natured uncle;
belligerent=inclined to picking fights; rudimentary=
basic; liberal=free-thinking

7.C The author begins by making the point that
the spelling profession(line 1) kills genius. By saying
that Shakespeare was not a good speller but was more
of a genius than Noah Webster, he is reinforcing the
point, thereby suggesting that Webster is someone in
the “spelling profession.”

8.E The previous two sentences discuss the fact
that any attempt to make spelling easier would under-
mine the author’s excuse for bad spelling(line 18).

9.E Serena’s plan is to have people avoid spelling
words with silent letters, but not change the way they
pronounce words. This would require a change in
writing habits.

10.C Serena’s plan is to boycott(line 77) words with
superfluous letters. Boycotting is a form of protest. By
saying that her plan is more American than his, the
author suggests that Americans are inclined to
protest things.

11.A The author says he wants to set the idle letters
to work(lines 50–51) by pronouncing them, while
Serena plans to ignore all words that contain superflu-
ous letters(lines 75–76).

12.A In the final paragraph of Passage 1, the author
says that he replacedthe Platonic friendshiphe had
with Serena with ardent love(lines 85–86) because he
didn’t know how to spell the word friend.

C 120 °


(^32) π

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