SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


2 2 222 2

  1. In line 34, the word “body” most nearly means

(A) stature
(B) strength
(C) corpse
(D) group
(E) anthology

  1. In line 54, the word “charging” most nearly
    (A) accusing
    (B) inspiring
    (C) resting
    (D) attacking
    (E) prevailing

  2. The passage indicates that the Battle of Agin-
    court and the Battle of Poitiers were similar in
    that in each case
    I. the victorious army was the smaller
    II. the French army was defeated
    III. one side committed tactical errors
    (A) I only
    (B) I and II only
    (C) I and III only
    (D) II and III only
    (E) I, II, and III
    24. The passage suggests that the “whole story”
    (line 58) should include the possibility that
    (A) numerical supremacy would not have
    been an advantage to the British
    (B) King Henry had more soldiers available
    than was previously believed
    (C) the English longbow was not as
    accurate as the French soldiers believed
    it to be
    (D) confidence aided the French more than
    the British
    (E) the French did not really outman the


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check your work on this section only. Do not
turn to any other section of the test.
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