SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


4 4 444 4

  1. If 10 less than 2xis 22, then what is the value
    of x?

  2. In the figure above, if x= 2 y,then what is the
    value of y?

  3. If 8x+ 4 y=20, then what is the value of 2x+y=

  4. In the xy-plane, the line mx− 3 y=21 passes
    through the point (3, 5). What is the value
    of m?

  5. The ratio of men to women in a room is 4:5.
    If the room contains three more women than
    men, how many women are in the room?

  6. If, for some constant value b,the equation

is satisfied by the point (5, 2),
then what is one possible value of b?

yxb=− 2

  1. A mixture of water and sucrose is 10% su-
    crose by weight. How many grams of pure
    sucrose must be added to a 200-gram sample
    of this mixture to produce a mixture that is
    20% sucrose?

  2. A runner runs a 16-mile race at an average
    speed of 8 miles per hour. By how many
    minutescan she improve her time in this
    race if she trains and increases her average
    speed by 25%?

Note:Figure not drawn to scale.

  1. The area of the figure above is 78. What is its

  2. Every sophomore at Hillside High School is re-
    quired to study at least one language among
    Spanish, French, and Latin, but no one may
    study more than two. If 120 sophomores study
    Spanish, 80 study French, 75 study Latin, and
    50 study two of the three languages, how many
    sophomores are there at Hillside High School?






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