SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


5 5 555 5

  1. The reference to “pitch and quality of voice”
    (lines 6–7) serves to emphasize
    (A) the variety in vocal quality of religious
    (B) the harshness with which many
    preachers rebuke their congregations
    (C) the sounds that the author hears in nature
    (D) the author’s inability to understand what
    the native preacher is saying
    (E) the differences among members of the
    same race

  2. In the first paragraph, the author character-
    izes the preacher primarily as
    (A) respectful
    (B) articulate
    (C) uneducated
    (D) intolerant
    (E) compassionate

  3. According to the passage, the preacher
    addressed the author as “cousin” because
    (A) it is customary for preachers to refer to
    church members with that term
    (B) the tribe members are all related
    (C) the preacher’s mother and the author’s
    mother are sisters
    (D) the preacher had forgotten the author’s
    (E) the author refused to answer to her given

  4. According to the passage, the native preacher and
    the author’s mother are alike in that they both
    (A) have experienced attempted arson
    (B) must travel a great deal
    (C) have similar religious beliefs
    (D) relish the midday meal
    (E) enjoy excursions into the natural gardens
    22. In line 68, the word “spirit” most nearly means
    (A) apparition
    (B) lively nature
    (C) intent
    (D) fear
    (E) presence
    23. In the final paragraph, the author characterizes
    herself primarily as
    (A) mature
    (B) creative
    (C) vengeful
    (D) repressed
    (E) awed
    24. The author mentions “conceptions of Infinite
    Love” (lines 71–72) in order to emphasize
    which of the following characteristics of the
    “pale-faced missionary” (lines 69–70)?
    (A) small-mindedness
    (B) reluctance to persist in the attempt to
    convert the author to Christianity
    (C) generosity toward aborigines
    (D) sympathy for animals
    (E) high intelligence


If you finish before time is called, you may
check your work on this section only. Do not
turn to any other section of the test.
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