SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


8 8 888 8

  1. The author of Passage 2 quotes Jeremy Rifkin
    (lines 76–78) in order to
    (A) illustrate the dangers of cloning
    (B) show a well-reasoned perspective
    (C) indicate an illogical claim
    (D) represent the views of medical
    (E) show how others support the author’s

  2. The author of Passage 2 mentions that identi-
    cal human twins “have their own unique
    thoughts” (line 89) in order to suggest that
    those twins
    (A) would likely oppose human cloning
    (B) are not simply the product of their DNA
    (C) are among the most vocal advocates of
    (D) are able to provide alternatives to
    procreational technologies
    (E) are less likely to be swayed by illogical

  3. Passage 2 suggests that those individuals who
    had previously denounced “procreational
    technologies” (line 125) have since come to
    accept them because those individuals

(A) became more familiar with the
(B) realized that the technologies were
indeed “natural”
(C) understood the theories behind the
(D) realized that the technologies were
(E) themselves needed to use those

  1. The tone of the last paragraph of Passage 2 is
    best described as
    (A) indignant
    (B) analytical
    (C) resigned
    (D) humorous
    (E) whimsical

  2. Which of the following best describes the rela-
    tionship between the pair of questions pre-
    sented in Passage 1 (“Are the astonishing
    products... nature or God?” [lines 32–36]) and
    the pair of questions presented in Passage 2
    (“Nature presents... evil?” [lines 111–115])?
    (A) The first two are not intended to be
    answered, while the second two are.
    (B) The first two are scientific questions,
    while the second two are moral
    (C) Both pairs of questions indicate points of
    view criticized by their respective authors.
    (D) The first two are intended as questions
    from cloning opponents, while the
    second two are intended as questions
    from cloning advocates.
    (E) The first two are common questions, the
    second two are asked only by experts.

  3. The last paragraphs of both passages indicate
    that both authors share what assumption?
    (A) Cloning needs more scientific study.
    (B) Genetic engineering will have profound
    global effects.
    (C) Cloning will marginalize human life.
    (D) Procreational technology can benefit the
    (E) Scientists are ill-suited to make moral


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turn to any other section of the test.
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