SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


3.C The sentence is improperly describing
Rachel’s irritation as being even-tempered. In reality,
it should be Rachelwho is even-tempered. Answer
choice (C) corrects this error.

(Chapter 15, Lesson 7: Dangling and Misplaced

4.B The original sentence contains an illogical
comparison. Alberta’s salarycannot logically be com-
pared to the other agents, but rather must be com-
pared to the salaries of the other agents.The only
choice that makes a logical and idiomatic comparison
is choice B.

(Chapter 15, Lesson 4: Comparison Problems)

5.C The word elicitmeans to call forth or draw out.
The word should be illicit,which means unlawful.

(Chapter 15, Lesson 11: Diction Errors)

6.D The paraders were not watching from the bal-
cony. The sentence needs to be changed so that the
subjects represented by the final pronoun usare the
ones watching from the balcony.

(Chapter 15, Lesson 7: Dangling and Misplaced

7.E The sentence contains two past tense verbs,
and one event was completed before the other. The
tents were set up before they arrived. So set upneeds
to be in the past perfect tense—had set up.

(Chapter 15, Lesson 9: Tricky Tenses)

8.C The subject neither Matt nor Davidis singular,
because any neither A nor Bnoun phrase takes the
same number as B, which in this case is the singular
David. Therefore, the verb should be conjugated for a
singular subject: neither Matt nor David is permitted.

(Chapter 15, Lesson 1: Subject-Verb Disagreement)

9.B When using not only A but also B, the words
or phrases that replace A and B must be parallel. It
should be replaced by not only with workingbut also
with wanting.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 3: Parallelism)

10.C To correct this sentence, the word thatshould
be replaced with who,since Roberto is a person.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 5: Pronoun-Antecedent

11.D Answer choice (D) connects the two clauses
most effectively.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 15: Coordinating Ideas)

12.E When reading this sentence you should ask
yourself: “who was forced to live apart from his fam-
ily?” The answer to that question, St. Pierre, is what
should immediately follow the comma after informers.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 7: Dangling and Misplaced

13.B The gerund form, forming,is not correct and
needs to be changed to past tense formed.Choice (B)
works best.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 9: Tricky Tenses)

14.D What follows the linking verb ismust be a noun
phrase representing the most challenging aspect,not
an independent clause, as in the original. Choice (D)
works best.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 15: Coordinating Ideas)
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