SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


20.D In lines 21–22 the marchers are described as
singing to hide their exhaustionand then as trying not
to fear... .This commitment to hiding emotion is

21.A Lines 35–38 criticize the bill’s failure to protect
the right of African Americans to vote “when local offi-
cials are determined to deny it.”In other words, it did
not sufficiently pressure local officials to extend vot-
ing rights to all citizens.

22.B In context, saying that his... encounter with
Mexican-American childrenwas shatteringis like say-
ing that the encounter bothered the President and
had a major impact on the way he approached civil
rights issues later in his career.

23.C Johnson indicates that he inferred, by looking
into his students’ eyes, that they knew that others dis-
liked them. This indicates a strong empathy with his
students, because he inferred it not from their words
but from their expressions.

24.E Lines 52–54 say that Johnson made the na-
tionwide audience aware of how deeply personal the
issue of African American rights was to himand lines
60–62 say that he spoke more directly, more explicitly,
and more warmly of the human experience of prejudice
than any president before him.In other words, he ad-
dressed it directly and in personal terms.

Section 4

1.C The word groupis the singular subject, so the
verb should be was.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 1: Subject-Verb Disagreement)

2.A The original sentence is best. Choice (B) is
incorrect because the phrase of labor’s and manage-
ment’sis redundant and unidiomatic. In choice (C), the
use of the verb sawis non-standard, although idiomatic,
and the colon is misused because it is not followed by
a list or an explanatory independent clause. In choice
(D), the phrase marked ferociously is illogical. In
choice (E), both the tense and voice of the verb, was
marking, are illogical.

3.D The original sentence is awkward, and its
verb has possesseddoes not agree with the plural sub-
ject, scientists and inventors. Choice (B) is incorrect
because the verb have been able to possessis not logi-
cal. Choices (C) and (E) are incorrect because the
verb wasdoes not agree with the plural subject skills.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 1: Subject-Verb Disagreement)

4.B In the original sentence, the pronoun itlacks a
clear antecedent, as does the pronoun thatin choice
(D). Choice (C) is incorrect because it implies that the
Thracians enabled the ability, which is illogical. In
choice (E), the phrase ability of resistingis unidiomatic.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 5: Pronoun-Antecedent

5.C The phrase on an overseas journeyis redundant
because the sentence also states that this journey was
across the Atlantic. This redundancy is repeated in
choice (B). Choice (D) uses an incorrect verb tense, and
choice (E) produces a sentence fragment.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 12: Other Modifier Problems)

6.E In the original sentence, the use of plusinstead
of andis non-standard, and the phrasing is not par-
allel. Only choice (E) avoids both problems.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 3: Parallelism)

7.C The phrase half as many... thanis unid-
iomatic. The correct idiom is half as many as. Only
choice (C) is phrased idiomatically.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 10: Idiom Errors)

8.D The use of thereforein the original phrasing is
illogical, because the ideas in the sentence are related
not as a cause and effect but rather as a contrast. The
use of actuallyin choice (D) conveys the appropriate
(Chapter 15, Lesson 15: Coordinating Ideas)
(Chapter 12, Lesson 7: Write Logically)

9.C In the original sentence, the prepositional
phrase for their fansis unidiomatic and awkward, and
the pronoun theirdoes not agree in number with its
antecedent, the band. Choices (B) and (D) repeat the
pronoun problem. Choice (E) is incorrect because it
implies that the fansare free of charge, rather than
the downloading.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 5: Pronoun-Antecedent

10.C The plural subject reasonsrequires the plural
verb are, so choices (A) and (D) are incorrect. Choice (B)
is incorrect because the phrase the reasons are because
is non-standard and illogical. Choice (E) is incorrect
because the phrasing is not parallel.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 1: Subject-Verb Disagreement)

11.B The appositive phrase An untiring defender of
the downtroddenmust be placed adjacent to the noun
it modifies, which in this case is Clarence Darrow.
Only choices (B) and (E) do this, but choice (E) is
incorrect because it lacks parallel phrasing.
(Chapter 15, Lesson 8: Other Misplaced Modifiers)
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