SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Vocabulary Lesson 4: “Good, Thanks”


Today’s roots: ben, bene, bon good eu good
grat to please, thank vole wish

❑ benefactor(n) one who supports or helps another (bene-good+factto make)

Mr. King is the benefactorwho generously donated the money for the new children’s wing in the hospital.
Synonyms:philanthropist, patron Antonyms:malefactor, nemesis, antagonist, adversary

❑ benign(adj) harmless (benegood)

She was relieved to find out that her tumor was benign.
Synonym:innocuous Antonyms:malignant, virulent

❑ benevolent(adj) kind; considerate (bene-good+volewish)

ThebenevolentCub Scout did his good deed for the day when he helped a motorist change a tire.
Synonyms:gracious, altruistic, magnanimous Antonyms:malevolent, malicious, inimical, pernicious

❑ benediction(n) an expression of good wishes (bene-good+dictusdeclaration)

At the reception, the father of the bride offered a benediction,wishing the couple never-ending love and happiness.
Synonyms:blessing, sanction Antonyms:curse, malediction, execration

❑ euphemism(n) the substitution of an inoffensive term for an offensive one (eu-good+phemespeech)

A good journalist avoids the euphemismsof war, like “ordnance” for bombs and “collateral damage” for casualties.

❑ eulogy(n) a praising tribute (eu-good+logiadiscourse) (Although associated with funerals, “eulogy” has
a positive tone.)
His touching eulogyfor his fallen friend left all the mourners weeping.
Synonyms:encomium, laudation, extolment, paean Antonyms:denunciation, execration, censure

❑ ingratiate(v) to put oneself in good favor with another (in-in+gratto please)

When starting at a new school, Mary sought to ingratiateherself with her classmates by being excessively nice.
Synonyms:flatter, wheedle, toady, cajole

❑ beneficiary(n) one who receives benefits (bene-good+ficto make)

Synonyms:heir, recipient, legatee

❑ gratuity(n) a small payment in gratitude (grat-thank)
Don’t confuse with gratuitous(adj) unnecessary

❑ gratis(adj) free of charge (grat-thank)

He let me borrow his car gratis.

❑ gratify(v) to please (grat-please)

Synonyms:appease, mollify, indulge

❑ euphoria(n) a feeling of extreme happiness (eu-good)

Synonyms:elation, rapture, jubilation, ecstasy

❑ euphonious(n) sweet sounding (eu-good+phonsound)

Synonyms:mellifluous, dulcet, lyrical
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