SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 6: One Boring World

Today’s roots: vac empty uni one
mund world anima spirit, mind

❑ hackneyed(adj) overused; trite

This film was a hackneyedremake with a storyline that has been done a hundred times.
Synonyms:trite, prosaic, banal Antonyms:original, novel

❑ mundane(adj) ordinary; typical (mund-world)

Having worked for years behind a desk, she wanted to leave the mundaneworld behind for exotic adventures abroad.
Synonyms:routine, workaday, banal Antonyms:singular, extraordinary, sublime

❑ vacuous(adj) lacking substance (vac-empty)

His latest book is widely criticized as vacuousand unintelligent.
Synonyms:inane, asinine, fatuous Antonyms:profound, thoughtful, deep

❑ prosaic(adj) unimaginative; ordinary

I don’t understand why his oration was selected as the best; it was so prosaicthat I nearly fell asleep.
Synonyms:mundane, pedestrian Antonyms:innovative, quixotic, whimsical

❑ insipid(adj) uninteresting; dull; without flavor (in-not+saperetaste)

Christine is the life of the party, but Tom is as insipidas they come; hardly anyone wants to talk with him.
Synonyms:bland, nondescript, vapid Antonyms:engaging, enchanting, piquant

❑ banal(adj) ordinary; trivial

That show used to be my favorite, but its story lines became so banalthat I could no longer stand it.
Synonyms:hackneyed, trite Antonyms:extraordinary, singular, sublime

❑ pedestrian(adj) commonplace; ordinary

Synonyms:prosaic, banal, vapid

❑ dormant(adj) inactive; sleeping (dormiresleep)

Synonyms:inert, fallow

❑ unanimous(adj) in full agreement (un-one+animamind)

Synonyms:concordant, concerted

❑ uniform(adj) unvarying; always the same (un-one+formaform)


❑ equanimity(n) the quality of being even-tempered (equa-same+animamind)
Synonyms:composure, imperturbability, aplomb

❑ magnanimous(adj) noble of heart; generous; forgiving (magna-great+animamind)
Synonyms:philanthropic, altruistic, merciful

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