SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 7: The Humours

Today’s roots: sanguis blood melan black
choler bile anima spirit, mind

In medieval Europe, it was widely believed that one’s health and disposition were largely determined by the bal-
ance of four bodily liquids called “humours”: blood (sang), phlegm, black bile (melancholer), and yellow bile

❑ sanguine(adj) cheerfully optimistic (sanguisblood)

After acing his final, David was sanguineabout his prospects for a good overall course grade.
Synonyms:blithe, buoyant Antonyms:morose, forlorn, melancholy, sullen

❑ phlegmatic(adj) sluggish

His prolonged illness turned Julio from a spry, happy bon vivant into a morose and phlegmaticbore.
Synonyms:languorous, lethargic, somnolent, torpid Antonyms:vigorous, vibrant, hale, spry

❑ melancholy(adj) sad, depressed (melan-black+cholerbile)

She has been so melancholyever since she broke up with her boyfriend; sometimes she is even too depressed to talk with
her friends.
Synonyms:morose, despondent, disconsolate, sullen Antonyms:blithe, buoyant, sanguine

❑ choleric(adj) easily angered (choler-bile+-iccharacterized by)

Gena’s mom is really nice but her dad is choleric;he freaks out about the smallest things.
Synonyms:irascible, fractious, bilious, splenetic

❑ recalcitrant(adj) stubbornly resistant to authority (re-back+calcitrarekick)

Christine is a talented volleyball player, but she’s so recalcitrantthat our coach often keeps her on the bench.
Synonyms:refractory, intractable Antonyms:compliant, docile, tractable, obsequious, obeisant

❑ lethargic(adj) sluggish; dully apathetic

After three weeks of factoring polynomials, my entire class became lethargic;we were bored to death!
Synonyms:languorous, phlegmatic, torpid Antonyms:vigorous, vibrant, hale, spry

❑ splenetic(adj) irritable; easily angered (splen-spleen)

Synonyms:bilious, choleric

❑ querulous(adj) disposed to complaining

Synonyms:peevish, captious, carping, caviling

❑ dolorous(adj) marked by or expressive of sorrow or pain (dolor-pain)

Synonyms:lugubrious, doleful

❑ animosity(n) hostility; ill-will (animosusbold)

Synonyms:malevolence, antagonism, invidiousness

❑ pusillanimous(adj) cowardly (pusillus-weak+animaspirit)

Synonyms:timorous, craven, dastardly

❑ lassitude(n) feeling of weakness or listlessness

Synonyms:lethargy, languor, torpor, stupor
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