5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

208 ❯ SteP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

  1. The most commonly used personality assess-
    ments are
    (A) projective tests
    (B) naturalistic observations
    (C) structured interviews
    (D) self-report inventories
    (E) behavior assessments

  2. Self-efficacy, according to Bandura, is
    (A) how you view your worth as a person
    (B) how you think about your self-image
    (C) all you know about your deficiencies and
    weaknesses as a person
    (D) what others have conditioned you to see in
    (E) how competent you feel to accomplish tasks
    and goals

  3. Mother Teresa’s altruism showed in everything
    she did. According to Allport’s trait theory,
    Mother Teresa’s altruism was
    (A) a common trait she shared with most other
    religious people
    (B) a cardinal trait
    (C) one of several central traits that characterized
    her exceptional life
    (D) basically inherited from her father
    (E) a surface trait that was visible to others
    12. Adler would NOT have agreed with the impor-
    tance of which of the following ideas?
    (A) birth order
    (B) styles of life
    (C) striving for superiority
    (D) fictional finalism
    (E) womb envy
    13. Roberto believes that he is the master of his
    ship and in charge of his destiny. According to
    Rotter’s theory of personality, Roberto has
    (A) an external orientation to the world about him
    (B) an internal locus of control
    (C) an extraverted personality
    (D) a low sense of self-efficacy
    (E) a positive self-image, but is not self-actualized
    14. Collective-efficacy would probably be more benefi-
    cial than self-efficacy for achieving group goals in
    (A) Canada
    (B) England
    (C) Puerto Rico
    (D) South Korea
    (E) Monaco
    15. A relatively permanent characteristic of personality
    that can be used to predict behavior is
    (A) the id
    (B) the ego
    (C) the superego
    (D) a defense mechanism
    (E) a trait

❯ answers and explanations

  1. C—Reaction formation is the defense mechanism that involves acting exactly opposite
    of what we feel. The boy is actually sad, but acts as if he is glad.

  2. C—The ego mediates between the id and the superego, and operates on the reality

  3. B—Humanists believe that humans are born good and that we are all naturally
    motivated to seek our full potential, but conditions of worth and our wish for
    society’s approval sometimes make us select a less productive path.

  4. C—Rooting for the underdog is a universal theme in our collective unconscious,
    according to Jung. Whether it’s David and Goliath or the home team who hasn’t won
    a game all season, we instinctively align ourselves with the underdog.

  5. A—Projective tests are designed to uncover thoughts, conflicts, and feelings in the
    unconscious mind. The Thematic Apperception Test, with its ambiguous pictures
    to interpret, is a good example of such a test.

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