5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

256 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

Table 17.1  Therapy/Cause/Goal

Therapy Approach Cause of Behavior Goal of Treatment Key Terms

Psychoanalytic Unconscious internal Help patients gain Psychoanalysis
conflict, possibly insight into their Free association
stemming from early unconscious conflicts; Dream interpretation

childhood trauma does not offer a cure Transference


Behavioral Learned maladaptive Unlearn maladaptive Systematic
behavior through faulty behavior and replace it Desensitization

contingencies of with more adaptive Flooding

reinforcement behavior Modeling



Humanistic Poor self-concept as a To reduce the Client-centered

result of conditions of discrepancy between the therapy

worth ideal and real self Existential therapy

positive regard

Cognitive Irrational and faulty Cognitive restructuring Rational emotive
thought processes and by changing the therapy

perceptions thoughts and replacing Cognitive triad

irrational with more

rational perceptions and
changing more negative

thinking to more

positive ideas

Biological Imbalance of Through the use Antianxiety drugs

neurotransmitters, of antianxiety, Antidepressants

hormones; genetic antidepressant, Antipsychotics
predisposition and other and antipsychotic Repetitive transcranial

brain abnormalities drugs, attempting to magnetic stimulation
restore balance; (rTMS)
electroconvulsive shock ECT

treatment and Psychosurgery

psychosurgery used Corpus callosum

minimally as well transection

Prefrontal lobotomy

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