5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Welcome to the new edition of this test preparation book for AP Psy chology that includes
information from DSM-5. If you don’t know what DSM-5 is, you will soon. The book has
been designed so that it is user friendly and employs the concepts psychologists know about
learning and remembering to help you succeed. Each chapter begins with an advance orga-
nizer to help you understand the material. Smaller sections enable you to fit what you are
learning into the framework of what you already know. Features that previous users found
most helpful, such as the definitions in the glossary at the end of the book, questions very
similar to those actually on the AP exam, and Rapid Review at the end of each content
chapter have been retained.
If psychology were mainly common sense, as many people think, you wouldn’t need
this book. You wouldn’t need to study either. In fact, many concepts in psychology are
counterintuitive, the opposite of what common sense leads us to think. Actually, psychol-
ogy is a real science with a substantial knowledge base. If you are currently enrolled in
an Advanced Placement Psychology course, you know how much more than listening to
people’s problems and analyzing them is included in the study of psychology, and you
know how many hundreds of pages you need to navigate in a hard-covered course text-
book. If you’re not enrolled in an AP course, you may need additional support to help you
select material that is likely to be tested on the May exam. In either situation, you’ll benefit
from this book, which was created to help you study for the Advanced Placement Exam in
This book provides you with the information on which you need to focus for taking the
Advanced Placement Exam in Psychology®, and gives you opportunities to practice answer-
ing AP-type questions. The multiple-choice questions count for two-thirds of your test
score, and the essays count for one-third. While multiple-choice questions usually assess
your understanding of one concept, essays test your understanding of numerous concepts
and your ability to integrate information from more than one chapter. Practice in answering
both multiple-choice and essay questions will help you do well on the AP exam. Read all
of the material and answer all of the questions in all of the content chapters of this book,
if you have enough time. Check your answers. Follow the study tips to help you learn and
remember material you need to know. As the May exam approaches, take the two practice
tests at the end of the book, and check your answers to see what you still need to learn.
Since studying will help you succeed, it’s time to get started!

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FM.indd 7 27-05-2018 15:51:

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