5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

92 ❯

Summary: Having described GDP as the macroeconomic measure of a
nation’s output, we begin to build a model that helps to explain how and why
GDP fluctuates. As the largest component of GDP, we spend some time on
consumption. Investment is also a component of GDP, but because invest-
ment plays an important role in monetary policy, we investigate it as well. The
market for loanable funds combines savings and investment, and is a prelude
to the interaction of interest rates and the role of financial institutions. This
chapter begins to show how changes in spending affect output and employ-
ment through the multiplier process. Discussion of the spending multiplier
previews how policy affects the macroeconomy and leads to the aggregate
demand and supply model in the next chapter.

Key Ideas
✪ Consumption and Saving Functions
✪ Investment
✪ Market for Loanable Funds
✪ The Spending Multiplier, Tax Multiplier, and Balanced-Budget Multiplier

Consumption, Saving,

Investment, and the Multiplier




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