Barrons AP Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


What’s New in the 7th Edition?

his 7th edition includes    many    new and important   changes:

■ The   entire  book    has been    updated to  reflect new environmental
developments and laws.
■ Great care was taken to correlate the type and format of the questions and
answer explanations found on actual AP Environmental Science exams
over the last 20 years to the present with the information presented in this
edition. For example, there are now many more PROS and CONS
throughout the book.
■ Many of the Free-Response Questions (FRQs), and their respective
answer explanations, have been updated to better reflect the current AP
Environmental Science (APES) test.
■ All of the review chapters have been completely reorganized to present
the content in a more logical and consistent manner.

This 7th edition also contains many key features, including:

  1. Two full-length tests in the book and three full-length tests online. Each
    test contains 100 multiple-choice questions and 4 Free-Response
    Questions with all answers fully explained.

  2. Charts have been reformatted to make reviewing for the APES exam that
    much easier.

  3. All chapters have been fully updated to reflect recent changes in
    environmental laws.

  4. Case Studies have been updated to reflect events that occurred recently.
    Examples include lead contamination in the water supplies in Flint,
    Michigan, and the Zika virus.

  5. An updated “Vocabulary Review,” available online along with the online
    tests, provides you with a handy list of the most important vocabulary
    words and definitions that you can review just before you take the APES

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