Barrons AP Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
–   large   numbers of  different   species
– complex food webs involving a variety of ecological niches

Diversity Increasers Diversity Decreasers
Diverse habitats Environmental stress

Disturbance in  the habitat (fires,
storms, etc.)

Extreme environments

Environmental   conditions  with
low variation

Extreme limitations in  the supply
of a fundamental resource

Trophic levels  with    high    diversity Extreme   amounts of  disturbance

Middle  states  of  succession

Introduction of species

from other areas

Evolution Geographic    isolation

Biodiversity is important because it helps keep the environment in a natural
balance. An ecosystem that is species-rich is more resilient and adaptable to
external stress than one in which the range of species is limited. In a system
where species are limited, the loss or temporary reduction of any one species
could disrupt the food chain with serious effects on other species in that same
system. When biodiversity is sufficient, if one nutrient cycling path is affected,
another pathway can function and the ecosystem can survive.

Anthropogenic   Activities  That    Can Reduce  Biodiversity
Anthropogenic Activity How It Reduces

How The Activity    Can Be
Burning fossil fuels The acid rain
produced from
burning fossil fuels
changes the pH of
water habitats to the
extent that many

–   Tax incentives  for
products that do not
require burning
fossil fuels
– Carbon taxes
– The use of
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