Barrons AP Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure  8.5 Steps   used    in  producing   “clean  coal”


■ Known world   reserves    will    last    approximately   300 years   at  the current
rate of consumption.
■ Relatively high net-energy yield.
■ U.S. government subsidies keep prices low, making coal’s overall cost
low compared to other fuels.


■ Most  extraction  in  the United  States  is  done    through either  strip   mining  or
underground mining, which causes disruptions to the land through
erosion, leaching, runoff, and a decrease in biodiversity.
■ Burning coal releases mercury, arsenic, sulfur (in the form of H 2 S and a
major contributor to both wet and dry acid precipitation), and radioactive
particles into the air.
■ Thirty-five percent of all CO 2 and thirty percent of all NOx emissions
released into the atmosphere are due to the burning of coal.
■ Underground mining is dangerous and unhealthy.
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